ชุดวัดฝุ่น PosiTest DT
Assesses the quantity and size of dust particles on blast cleaned surfaces in accordance with ISO 8502-3
Includes all report forms and accessories required for dust tape testing in accordance with ISO 8502-3
Can be used as a pass/fail test or to provide a permanent record of the dust present on a surface
Illuminated 10x Magnifier with stand-off to keep the magnifier at the appropriate distance away from the substrate—compact, foldable design for easy storage
Dust Test Comparator includes pictorial references from ISO 8502-3 to determine dust size and dust quantity rating
Reusable Transparent Display Board
Conforms to ISO 8502-3, AS 3894.6, US Navy PPI 63101-000
- Before beginning each series of tests, remove the first three turns of tape from the roll and discard.
- Remove a piece of tape approximately 20 cm (8”) long from the roll. Cut the tape from the roll with the included scissors.
NOTE: To avoid contamination, only touch the adhesive side of the tape at the ends.
- Press approximately 15 cm (6”) of the freshly exposed tape onto the surface under test using one of the following methods:
- Thumb – Using firm pressure and a constant speed, move the thumb across the tape 3 times in each direction. Each stroke should take between 5 and 6 seconds.
- DeFelsko Tape Roller – Keeping the tape between the yellow stripes on the roller, apply the spring loaded roller onto the tape. Maintain a downward pressure and a constant speed to press the tape to the surface 3 times in each direction. Each stroke should take between 5 and 6 seconds.
- Remove the tape from the surface and press it onto the Transparent Display Board using a thumb.
Place the Transparent Display Board over the black, white, or two- toned strip on the Dust Test Comparator Display Board, whichever strip provides the most contrast.
Visually assess the size of the dust particles and classify using the Descriptions of Dust Particles shown on the Dust Test Comparator. If necessary use the 10x magnifier to assess small dust particles.

Recording the Results:
Remove the tape from the Transparent Display Board and place it on the provided Dust Test Kit Report Form. Under “Dust Quantity Rating” record the number of the pictorial reference which most closely corresponds to each Test Sample AND under “Dust Size Class” record the dust particle size using the Description of Dust Particles shown on the Dust Test Comparator.
Perform a sufficient number of tests to adequately characterize the surface under test. For every surface type, perform at least 3 separate tests. If the Dust Quantity Rating results differ by more than one, perform at least 2 additional tests and average the results of all tests.